Adera Designs is an Ethiopian company that believes in taking the ordinary and making it beautiful.
Making a Difference
Learn more about Adera Foundation
The Adera artisans upcycle various papers from the United States to make creative pieces for retail partners in the USA. Adera provides a 20-week life skills training to prepare each woman to use her new income successfully and strategically. Each of the artisans receives a monthly salary that provides for her family’s daily needs and enables her to save for the future. Many of the women struggled with handing over their children to the local government orphanage in order to have the children’s needs be met. Adera eliminated the need for that desperate choice.
Adera provides a safe daycare for the children so the mothers can pursue work with complete peace of mind. Through the support of sponsors, Adera enables parents to work while preserving and strengthening the family unit. Adera desires to bring help and true hope, one woman at a time.
Through Adera Designs we are not merely providing fish, but rather we are teaching those to fish in hopes that the world will know we are His by the way we love. After all, love is the most valuable currency. -
What Do Our Artisans Say?
Hagere Tegegn
God changed my story through Adera. After starting to work at Adera, my life has totally changed, and my hope has flourished.